Internal basement waterproofing on the foundation plate with cold-adhesive waterproofing membranes

1 Horizontal barriers for walls
KÖSTER Fix-Tape 15 SY
2 Installing fillets
KÖSTER Repair Mortar Plus
4 Waterproofing Layer
5 Protection layer (PE foil)

6 Self-levelling underlayment
7 Edge Waterproofing
KÖSTER Butyl Fix-Tape Fleece

Fast, easy application without long waiting times: Waterproofing of the floor slab with KÖSTER KSK cold applied, self adhesive waterproofing membranes.

To avoid rising moisture, it is necessary to install a horizontal barrier underneath the wall with KÖSTER Fix-Tape SY 10. At the wall floor junction a filled made from KÖSTER Repair Mortar plus has to be installed to prevent stresses in the subsequent waterproofing layers.

The priming is done with the solvent free KÖSTER KSK Primer BL. Standardly the primed surface of the floor slab is waterproofed with the cold applied, self adhesive waterproofing membrane KÖSTER KSK SY 15. Overlap the joints 10 cm.

The applied KÖSTER KSK Membranes have to be protected from mechanical damage as work continues. It also needs to be connected to the vertical waterproofing of the adjacent walls.

Always adhere to the specifications in the respective Technical Guidelines.



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